Documentation: Custom Search Box

This post will explain the Custom Search Box Widget based on Foundation HTML markup.  This widget is present in the Header Area and has the CSS ID of HTML89. By default, due to the size of the search field, widget will only be shown on large screens (dektop, laptop, tv). Currently, it has default Title of the HTML/Javascript (is built on his code). The only way to integrate a lightweight search widget without using any CSS, other than Foundation Flexbox, was by building it on the HTML/Javascript base code.

wecodeart search widget

Widget Defaults

  • Show only on large
  • Cannot be Removed
  • Can be reordered if placed something else before/after

Widget Settings

  • Title - act as Button Text
  • Content - act as placeholder

In the title you can put any text and will be displayed on the button text - Search, GO, etc.
In the content you can write the placeholder text - Search here, Find Stuff, etc

  • If you unlock this widget you can reorder it as you want. However, if you remove it there is not other way to reinstall it.
  • Code for this widget will be provided soon in case you remove it.

Join the conversation

We have 4 commenting systems, yes FOUR, and the template still loads very fast and without errors in the JS console. By default, all are enabled. You can replace Blogger with Google comments or you can disable Blogger/Google and use Facebook or Disqus. Your choice! ....and this message ? You can set it in Google Dashboard.

1 comment
  1. Any comments on this post should be related to this feature. Do not post anything else than bugs, suggestions and fixes related to this.


PopDown Box - Reload if you want to see it again !

Empty title is disabled, 0 is for every pageload and any number for setting cookies