Method one
- Login to your Blogger Dashboard > Go to your desired blog
- Click on "Template" tab (before you will install this template on your website, please make a backup to your current template)
- Un-Zip the template you downloaded from our website
- Go to "Template" and click choose file
- Navigate to unzipped folder on click on the file with .xml extension
- Click Upload button
- You're done
Another method to install WeCodeArt Blogger template on your website is like this:
- You go to Dashboard > Template > Edit template HTML
- Hit CTRL+A and select all code of current template + hit delete
- Now open our .xml file with a code editor (notepad++)
- Copy all the code from the file
- Go to Template HTML and paste all the copied code
- Hit Save button
As you see is very easy to install our blogger template. If you have any questions or how features work, please read our template documentation. You can also view a changelog for the theme.
Join the conversation
We have 4 commenting systems, yes FOUR, and the template still loads very fast and without errors in the JS console. By default, all are enabled. You can replace Blogger with Google comments or you can disable Blogger/Google and use Facebook or Disqus. Your choice! ....and this message ? You can set it in Google Dashboard.